Our team

OMADA Consulting & Training

Alix Bourgeais

Alix Bourgeais

« Impossible is nothing. »
Coach and Consultant specialised in Executive Coaching & Communications

Professional experience
With over 20 years of international professional experience in Management and Communications within the banking, sports and medical sectors, Alix puts her convictions, creativity and experience to allow companies, teams and individuals to find purpose, alignment and subsequently, higher performance.
In 2021, Alix founded Omada, convinced that a diversity of talents and a multi-layer service can make a real impact
on business transformation.
« Live each day as if it were the last; do not fuss, do not sleep, do not pretend. » Marc Aurèle.
Favorite object
The light: useful, subtle, always moving and radiant.

Pascal Deknop

Pascal Deknop

« Go beyond the status quo to have a positive impact. »
Consultant in management & finance, passionate about Human

Professional experience
Consultant and instructor for nine years in a variety of sectors (industry, finance, IT, telco), with an additional 11 years of experience as a CFO, Pascal is specialised in finance and change management. He has dedicated his last several years to “Businesses for and by people battling societal challenges!”
« Climbing a mountain begins with the first step : 
Be resilient, open-minded, create value & have fun »
Favorite object
His creative chart on “mural online whiteboard”

Mélanie Laidié

Mélanie Laidié

« Together, we go further. »
Coach and Consultant specialised in Executive Coaching & Emotional Intelligence  

Professional experience
Mélanie has over 20 years of international experience in the industry sector, in marketing/sales, training, management and board positions. She launched Lelia Consulting in 2020 to provide coaching, training and consulting services.  
She advocates for better management of communications, emotions and stress within a business and is specialised in the development of emotional intelligence.

« Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. » Maya Angelou
Favorite object
A small, lemon-yellow foam ball with a smiley face that provides entertainment at any moment.

Fabienne Simon

Fabienne Simon

« Strong commitment makes it all. »
Consultant specialised in organisational transformation

Professional experience
Since 2012, through her consulting firm Osagan, Fabienne has been supporting executives and companies in their change dynamics and on their management, HR and communications challenges. At the forefront of the latest HR trends, Fabienne also teaches in Master 2 HR at the Paris Dauphine University (since 14 years) and is a co-founder of the Observatoire de l’engagement (since 7 years). Prior to that, Fabienne worked for 20 years in major groups (industry and services) as a Member of the Executive Committee (HR, Corporate Marketing and Communications Departments).

« Feet on the ground and head in the stars ».
Favorite object
The well-being bubble, the bubble blown by a child, the champagne bubble.

OMADA Teambuilding

David Soner

David Soner

« Constant quest for harmony. »
Urban Artist, artistic Director

Professional experience
Originally a graffiti artist, David’s obsession with signatures led him to calligraphy, inspired by Arabic calligraphy. As a graphic designer, he uses his talents to provide companies with original and strong visual identities. As an artist and urban painter, David redecorates entire city walls or creates large canvas during live performances,
notably recently with the Luxembourg Philharmonic.
 « Do not force anything, accept your destiny. »

Favorite object
His spray paint.

Isabelle Genero

Isabelle Genero

« Reconnect body and mind. »
Specialist in sensitive, wellness massages & deep breathing

Professional experience
After a career in the hotel industry, Isabelle shifted her focus toward national education.  She carries out her vocation as a Certified Practitioner in wellness massage with great passion and is convinced of the importance of wellbeing to promote the personal and professional development of each individual. 
« Happiness is not believing that we need to change: it’s becoming aware that we are capable of it. »
Favorite object
Labradorite, a radiant and warm stone with sublime reflections.

Maryline Gilgemann

Maryline Gilgemann

« Bringing joy and unity through music. »
Singing teacher & established artist

Professional experience
Maryline is an outstanding voice teacher and vocal coach.
She is also very present on the Grand Est stages as a confirmed musical artist.
She finds her motivation in sharing her passion for music and her communicative joie de vivre.

« Always move forward, never give up. »

Favorite object
A tuning fork: a symbol of unity and alchemy that allows us to be on the same wavelength. 

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